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#732 - Mary Harrington - Why You Shouldn’t Share Your Private Life Online

Modern Wisdom

Sun Jan 14 2024

  • Impact of Transparency on Intimacy:

  • Excessive sharing and lack of boundaries lead to performance-driven behavior where everything becomes content, hindering genuine interpersonal connections.

  • The culture of transparency propagated by social media has negative effects on intimacy and relationships.

  • Digital Modesty:

  • Involves a conscious decision not to post certain personal content, such as selfies, pictures of one's home, child, or spouse, without their consent. It also extends to avoiding discussing intimate matters from social and family life.

  • Refers to setting boundaries on the culture of transparency in the digital age, considering what should and shouldn't be shared online.

  • Challenges with Online Sharing in Relationships:

  • Maintaining a balance between sharing aspects of life online while preserving personal space is crucial for nurturing genuine connections within relationships.

  • Having a relationship with millions of online followers creates complexities that can affect privacy and intimacy.

  • Dating Preferences and Political Ideologies:

  • Survey results showed varying preferences for dating individuals involved in OnlyFans: left-leaning participants were more likely to date an OnlyFans worker than an OnlyFans subscriber compared to right-leaning participants.

  • There is a potential discrepancy between publicly expressed views (e.g., "sex work is real work") and private preferences due to preference falsification influenced by moral hectoring around sex industry workers.

  • Gender Roles, Feminism & Modern Parenthood:

  • Discussion encompasses crisis of masculinity and femininity in culture, women needing a strategy for not having it all due to foundational aspects of child-rearing, challenges faced by parents with young children in modern society, and how industrialization shifted traditional gender roles affecting childcare practices.

  • Impact of Wealth Inequality on Behavior:

  • Wealth inequality influences behavior; self-objectification from women correlated with local wealth inequality. This behavior is seen as a response to economic conditions and perceived opportunities.

  • COVID's impact on casual sex due to pathogen fear was anticipated but did not materialize as expected; however, poorer children were disproportionately affected by lockdowns.

  • Family Structure and Productive Household:

  • Contemplation about what a contemporary version of pre-modern productive households would look like emphasizing household dynamics based on mutual agreement alongside recognizing different types of work aligning with family responsibilities.

  • Self-Expressive Marriage Paradigm & Ambivalent Position of Women in Right-Wing Dissident Movements:

  • Critique of the self-expressive marriage paradigm which allows termination without commitment beyond personal fulfillment; discussion surrounding ambivalent position for women within conservative or right-wing dissident movements due to prevalent misogyny among some men.

  • Reflection on Subcultures' Evolution & Dating World Public Opinion:

  • Observations about mainstream acceptance influencing subcultures’ discussions regarding dating trends; contrast drawn between widespread interest in the dating world allowing opinions from everyone versus areas like sports where opinions are less assertively voiced without knowledge.

  • Social Media Expertise & Scrutiny:

  • Exploration into how social media engagement has led people to believe they are experts critiquing others' posts while being insulated from consequences; comparison made between scrutiny on social media content versus other professional domains.

  • Relationship Dynamics & Discourse: Ongoing discussions about relationships reflect enduring desire for meaningful connections away from public platforms despite tumultuous debates online.:

  • Reassuring Media Content & Belief in Human Resilience: