Steve Davis - Elon Musk's right-hand man:
- Joined SpaceX in 2003 and has been a trusted employee ever since
- Has twin master's degrees in particle physics and aerospace engineering
- Known for his intense work ethic, often working six hours a day, seven days a week
- Takes on challenges with determination, such as reducing the cost of a part from $120,000 to less than $4,000
- Worked and lived at the Twitter office with his wife and newborn child
- Became CEO of Boring Company after his time at SpaceX
- Opened a frozen yogurt shop called Mr. Yogato where he created fun rules and promotions like reciting Seinfeld quotes or dressing up as Bjorn Borg for discounts
- Also opened a bar called Thomas Foolery that combined childhood nostalgia with alcohol
- The speakers discuss their understanding of what it takes to earn a PhD.
- They express surprise at the length and depth of a PhD thesis, which they previously did not realize.
Impromptu 45-minute Talk:
- The speakers mention that a good get-to-know-you question in the business world is asking someone what topic they would give an impromptu 45-minute talk on.
- One speaker suggests that the other's topic might be copywriting or newsletters, while the other speaker jokingly suggests the history of denim as his own topic.
- The speakers reveal that they both invested in PostPilot, a company owned by Drew who specializes in buying e-commerce companies and improving their email lists through direct mail campaigns.
- PostPilot offers a done-for-you service where e-commerce brands can design pamphlets and send them to customers via snail mail or email subscribers who have not yet made a purchase.
- By analyzing customer data from platforms like Shopify, PostPilot enables businesses to create personalized and automated direct mail campaigns similar to digital marketing automation tools like Klaviyo.