Chronic Absenteeism in American Schools:

  • Chronic absenteeism refers to students missing 10% of school days, approximately 18 days a year or one day every two weeks.
  • Nationwide, chronic absenteeism has almost doubled since before the pandemic, with one quarter of public school students now being chronically absent.
  • In New York City during the 2022-2023 school year, nearly one in five public school teachers were absent for at least 11 days.
  • Factors contributing to chronic absenteeism include illness, transportation challenges, and shifts in attendance norms.

Impact of Chronic Absenteeism on Learning Loss:

  • Chronic absenteeism leads to reduced academic progress and productivity within schools.
  • Test scores are indicative of student performance and are crucial for future success across various life outcomes.
  • Addressing chronic absenteeism is essential for compensating for learning loss resulting from the pandemic.
  • Disadvantaged students have been disproportionately affected by chronic absenteeism and face challenges in catching up academically.

Implications of Cultural Norms on Chronic Absenteeism:

  • Changes in cultural norms post-pandemic have resulted in an increase in chronic absenteeism among students across all types of districts.
  • Parents' perceptions regarding chronic absenteeism may be influenced by shifting cultural attitudes towards attendance.
  • Remote schooling during the pandemic contributed to a normalization of staying home from school, impacting student attendance rates.

Responsibility for Addressing Chronic Absenteeism:

  • Teachers also experience increased absences, affecting their ability to set norms and expectations for students.
  • Parents play a significant role in addressing chronic absenteeism among children but may struggle due to changing cultural attitudes towards attendance.
  • Efforts to combat chronic absenteeism require collaboration between schools, parents, policymakers, and enforcement agencies.

Chronic Absenteeism in Schools:

  • One quarter of public school students are now chronically absent, highlighting a significant increase in chronic absenteeism nationwide.
  • The issue encompasses both truancy and excessive excused absences, necessitating a multi-layered approach to address the problem effectively.
  • Governors hold a pivotal role in combating chronic absenteeism by leveraging their influence to raise awareness and establish new norms surrounding school attendance.
  • Elevating discussions about chronic absenteeism to the level of governors and mayors can lead to increased attention on the matter and potentially drive positive changes in school attendance policies.

School Funding and Efficiency:

  • Schools represent a substantial expenditure for states, often constituting the largest local and state expense.
  • High levels of chronic absenteeism create inefficiencies that pose challenges for governing bodies heavily reliant on education funding.
  • Promoting parental involvement through heightened awareness regarding absenteeism can contribute to more efficient utilization of educational resources.