Daily Stoic podcast:
- Hosted by Ryan Holiday
- Provides daily meditations inspired by ancient Stoics
- Illustrates with stories from history, current events, and literature
- Aims to help listeners be better at what they do
- Weekly deeper dive episodes for a Stoic intention of the week
Memento Mori:
- Memento mori collection available on dailystoic.com/mm
- Reminder to live in the present moment
- Includes memento mori medallion, signet ring, and pendant
Appreciating Life's Wonder:
- Life is wonderful despite its mortality
- We are sentient beings with technology, pleasures, talents, and skills
- None of us get out of life alive
- Born mortal and fragile with a terminal diagnosis since birth
Stoics' Approach to Death:
- Seneca wrote about the inevitability of death but still celebrated his successes
- Marcus Aurelius meditated on memento mori while raising a family and leading an empire
- Awareness of death should not crush us but free us to follow our talents and enjoy life in moderation
Importance of Honesty:
- Honesty should be the default policy rather than an exception
- Saying "I'm going to be honest with you here" implies that honesty is not the usual approach
- Marcus Aurelius criticized this faux attempt at honesty
- Honesty should show through one's actions and demeanor
Cultivating Reputation for Candor:
- Cultivate a reputation for straightforwardness and clear opinions
- Avoid being two-faced or saying different things privately and publicly
- Radical candor can sometimes excuse being a jerk
- Balance between expressing unpopular opinions with moderation and justice
Moderation in Honesty:
- Temperance required in honesty as well as other virtues
- Being straightforward without being offensive or hurtful
- Honesty is a line between omission and saying too much
Relating Stoicism to Workplace Behavior:
- A workplace lawsuit involved claiming stoicism as a religion to defend offensive behavior
- Stoicism does not justify being a jerk
- Stoic honesty requires moderation, context, and consideration for others