PodcastsThe Diary Of A CEO with Steven BartlettMel Robbins: "Saying These 2 Words Will Fix Your Anxiety!" The New Trick For Stress, Anxiety & Breaking Every Bad Habit In 2024!

Mel Robbins: "Saying These 2 Words Will Fix Your Anxiety!" The New Trick For Stress, Anxiety & Breaking Every Bad Habit In 2024!
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven BartlettSun Dec 03 2023
Confidence and Motivation:
- Mel Robbins emphasizes the unreliability of motivation, describing it as "garbage" due to its absence when needed. She highlights the difficulty in developing great habits or changing mindsets, pointing out that human beings are hardwired to spot patterns and repeat them.
- Discussing the inner voice's impact on decision-making, she illustrates how self-criticism can shape thoughts and actions. She provides insights into combating this by employing strategies like the "let them theory," which involves relinquishing control over others to gain control of one's life.
Changing Life Circumstances:
- Mel Robbins shares her perspective on change, emphasizing that individuals can pivot at any age and likening life to a road trip where one can navigate new directions whenever necessary. She stresses the importance of making decisions aligned with personal growth despite fear or uncertainty.
- The discussion delves into identifying signals for change and recognizing moments when discomfort outweighs complacency, prompting individuals to take action towards improvement.
Challenges of Change:
- Mel Robbins discusses the challenges associated with change, highlighting the resistance people face in acting upon their instincts and navigating through vulnerability. She explains how fear often complicates decision-making processes but emphasizes that embracing discomfort is crucial for progress.
- The conversation delves into distinguishing between sensations related to positive versus negative decisions, shedding light on the significance of feeling expansion versus constriction when considering changes.
Self-Talk and Identity Formation:
- Mel Robbins explores the concept of self-talk and its influence on behavior, addressing how internal narratives shape perceptions of oneself. She underscores the role of personal agency in choosing a different path by acknowledging dissatisfaction and seeking positive change.
- The dialogue touches upon identity construction based on past experiences, emphasizing that stories individuals tell themselves become guiding principles for future behaviors and beliefs.
Understanding Behavior Patterns:
- Mel Robbins delves into the biological chain reaction involved in decision-making processes, elucidating how sensations trigger perceptions, emotions, thoughts, and subsequent actions. She emphasizes understanding this sequence as a means to regain control over behavioral responses.
Behavior-First Approach:
- Mel Robbins explains the concept of a behavior-first approach as a method to overcome default thinking patterns and change behaviors.
- She emphasizes the importance of taking better actions regardless of one's feelings, challenging the chain of events from sensation to perception to emotion that hinders positive behaviors.
Self-Control and Responsibility:
- The discussion delves into the idea of letting go of control over others' actions and reactions, leading to personal peace and empowerment.
- It is highlighted that relinquishing control allows individuals to focus on self-responsibility, aligning with their values, and conserving energy for personal growth.
Temporal Landmarks and Goal Setting:
- Mel Robbins discusses the significance of temporal landmarks like January 1st as moments for self-assessment before setting new goals.
- Emphasizes the necessity to understand one's current position before outlining future objectives, likening it to needing a starting point for giving directions.
Goals and Dreams:
- Mel Robbins emphasizes the distinction between goals and dreams, highlighting that goals are specific points on a map representing the next steps, while dreams serve as directional beacons for future aspirations.
- She encourages self-reflection by suggesting individuals contemplate who they are jealous of or inspired by, emphasizing that jealousy often indicates authentic desires and can lead to valuable insights about personal dreams.
ADHD Diagnosis and Impact:
- Mel Robbins shares her experience of being diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 47, expressing how it provided an explanation for lifelong feelings of defectiveness and inability to focus effectively.
- She discusses the differences in ADHD presentation between boys and girls, underscoring that undiagnosed ADHD in women can lead to anxiety due to their unique symptoms being overlooked or misinterpreted.
Menopause Challenges:
- Mel Robbins candidly delves into the overwhelming changes experienced during menopause, highlighting physical discomforts like hot flashes and brain fog alongside emotional challenges such as feeling out of control.
- She expresses frustration at the lack of definitive guidance surrounding menopause treatment options and underscores the need for more comprehensive research and support for women's hormone health.
Insightful Perspective on Menopause:
- Steven Bartlett expresses curiosity about menopause, acknowledging his limited knowledge prior to learning about it through podcast interviews. He voices a desire to understand it better because he will be surrounded by women going through this life stage.
Life Goals Contemplation:
- Steven Bartlett reveals his contemplation regarding life goals, sharing his cautious approach towards setting goals after experiencing completion without finding fulfillment. He expresses a goal of enjoying life experiences and fostering strong relationships with family members.
Goals and Emotional Connection:
- The speaker expresses emotion when discussing their goal, attributing it to the appreciation of others choosing to spend time with them.
- They highlight the declining time spent with parents over time, emphasizing the value they place on quality time with loved ones.
Overcoming Challenges and Self-awareness:
- Mel Robbins discusses the challenge of rewiring her nervous system and deprogramming past traumas, aiming to shift default responses from fear and anxiety to peace and action-oriented behavior.
- There's a focus on the skill needed to face resistance daily as a means for change, showcasing resilience in overcoming difficulties.
Appreciation and Impact:
- The speakers express mutual admiration for each other's unique talents, with one acknowledging the responsibility that comes with impacting others' lives positively.
- They emphasize the importance of meaningful responsibilities and how sharing personal challenges can make a difference in someone else's life. This reflects a deep sense of purpose in their work.
Sponsorship Promotion:
- The podcast episode includes sponsorship promotion for Huel, emphasizing its necessity during busy times while maintaining nutritional completeness.