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500 | Dr Michael Gervais: Why FOPO Holds Us Back & What to Do About it!

The Property Couch

Wed Jun 26 2024

Dr. Michael Gervais' Unconventional Upbringing and Values:

  • Dr. Michael Gervais shared insights into his countercultural upbringing where money was not openly discussed, leading to an unsophisticated approach towards finances.
  • Growing up with a focus on virtues, core values, and first principles rather than financial gain shaped his desire for a good life filled with happiness, joy, and connection.
  • Despite challenges in traditional sports environments due to his psychology background, he emphasized making decisions based on fun, purpose, and financial considerations as key factors.

Influence of Countercultural Environment on Money Management:

  • Dr. Gervais' early experiences working multiple jobs out of necessity instilled a strong work ethic but also created anxiety around saving money without clear financial guidance or mentorship.
  • The advice from his grandfather that "cash is king" influenced his initial views on money management and savings.

Decision-Making Philosophy Based on Fun, Purpose, and Finances:

  • Dr. Gervais outlined a decision-making framework involving three variables: fun, purpose, and finances when considering new opportunities or ventures.
  • Prioritizing enjoyment, purpose-driven work, or financial gains depending on the circumstances allows him to make choices aligned with personal values.

Transition to High Performance Coaching from Sports Psychology:

  • Overcoming challenges fitting into traditional sports environments due to his psychology background led Dr. Gervais to find success in high performance coaching roles with organizations like Red Bull's global athlete program.
  • Emphasized the importance of self-awareness and seeking environments where personal values align with organizational culture for optimal fit and impact.

Self-Mastery and Excellence:

  • Self-mastery involves being at home with oneself wherever one is, which defines self-mastery and excellence.
  • The most powerful people are those who can be clear about what matters to them and bring it forward without fear of judgment or rejection.
  • FOPO (Fear of People's Opinions) is an unproductive obsession about what others think, leading to an exhaustive attempt to interpret thoughts for approval or to avoid rejection.
  • FOPO shows up in various ways such as laughing at jokes you don't find funny, staying late at work unnecessarily, or avoiding social events due to feelings of inadequacy.
  • Developing psychological skills helps manage arousal levels, build confidence, and upgrade identity to reduce reliance on external validation.

Overcoming FOPO Through Skill Development:

  • FOPO can be managed by working from the inside out, focusing on psychological skill development and self-awareness rather than seeking external approval.
  • Building a set of psychological skills allows individuals to control their sense of well-being internally instead of relying on external opinions for validation.

The Spotlight Effect and Screens:

  • The spotlight effect refers to the misconception that others pay more attention to us than they actually do; understanding this concept can help alleviate unnecessary self-consciousness.
  • Using screens like purpose filters feedback received through personal values and goals; only feedback aligned with one's purpose should be considered valid.
  • Feedback must pass through three screens: Purpose - aligning with personal values; Personal Philosophy - resonating with individual beliefs; Morning Mindset Routine - engaging in daily practices for calmness, gratitude, focus, and presence.

Effective Screening Process for Feedback:

  • The first effective screen for feedback involves aligning it with one's purpose, ensuring that the feedback serves a meaningful goal or objective.
  • Another screening method includes considering the opinions of select individuals who deeply respect you and are unafraid to provide honest feedback.
  • Evaluating feedback in light of mortality is a crucial screening process, questioning if the feedback holds significance considering life's finite nature.
  • Dr. Michael Gervais emphasizes running received feedback through these screens to determine its value and impact on one's life.

Importance of Filtering Feedback:

  • It is crucial to filter feedback by assessing its alignment with personal purpose, its source from individuals on one's roundtable, and its long-term significance.
  • Effective filtering helps avoid giving excessive power to others' opinions and prevents distractions from achieving personal goals.

Reflections on Reaching 500 Episodes:

  • The milestone episode highlighted addressing FOPO (Fear Of Other People's Opinions) as a significant derailer of success even for those stepping into challenging arenas.
  • Over nearly a decade, the podcast aimed to serve the community by providing valuable insights into property investing and financial management.
  • Continuous learning and development have sharpened hosts' knowledge while helping listeners navigate their financial journeys effectively.
  • Acknowledgment was extended to various contributors including guests, team members behind the scenes, clients entrusting their financial paths, and loyal listeners supporting show growth over time.

Acknowledgments and Gratitude:

  • Appreciation was expressed towards the community of listeners for deriving value from shared content and taking actionable steps based on it.
  • Recognition was given to subject-matter experts and thought leaders contributing wisdom and experience enriching podcast episodes.
  • A special thank you was extended to team members working diligently behind the scenes to ensure high-quality content delivery.
  • Mutual gratitude between hosts highlighted how collaboration led to personal growth, knowledge enhancement, impactful storytelling benefiting the audience.