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#708: Dr. Andrew Huberman — A Neurobiologist on Optimizing Sleep, Enhancing Performance, Reducing Anxiety, Increasing Testosterone, and Using the Body to Control the Mind (Repost)

The Tim Ferriss Show

Tue Dec 05 2023

Vision and Light Exposure:

  • The eyes are part of the central nervous system, extending beyond seeing colors and shapes to influencing our state of mind and body.
  • Morning light exposure triggers cortisol release for wakefulness and sets a timer for melatonin onset for sleepiness later in the day.
  • Exposure to bright light early in the day activates dopamine release, promoting mood enhancement.
  • Expanding the visual field by relaxing the eyes can reduce stress and lead to a more relaxed state of mind.
  • Avoiding bright lights at night helps align circadian rhythms for better sleep quality. Bright light exposure between 11 p.m. and 4 a.m. disrupts dopamine systems and affects mood and learning abilities.

Optimizing Sleep:

  • Exposure to light influences the body's circadian rhythm, affecting sleep patterns and wake times.
  • Light exposure in the morning can shift the circadian clock earlier, while light exposure after the temperature minimum in the evening can make one want to sleep earlier and wake up earlier.
  • Bright light exposure within 30 minutes of waking up is recommended for regulating sleep cycles.

Sleep Aids - Melatonin and Supplements:

  • Melatonin has significant effects on puberty suppression and sex steroid hormones, which could impact children's development and reproductive axis in adults.
  • Supplemental melatonin often contains concentrations much higher than natural levels, potentially leading to dramatic effects due to super physiological doses.
  • Alternative supplements like magnesium threonate, magnesium biglycinate, theanine, and apigenin are suggested as beneficial for sleep aid with good safety margins. These supplements have been reported to improve sleep quality when taken in combination.

Stress Reduction Techniques - NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest) Protocols:

  • Non-sleep deep rest (NSDR) protocols such as yoga nidra or hypnosis involve deliberate states of calm and high focus that accelerate neuroplasticity and enhance learning rates.
  • NSDR practices aim to induce states of deep rest for stress reduction and improved cognitive abilities through self-directed calmness via respiration and vision control.
  • Zero-cost apps offering hypnosis scripts or yoga nidra techniques are available for practical implementation.

Breathing Techniques for Stress Reduction:

  • The physiological sigh is a breathing pattern characterized by a double inhale followed by an extended exhale. This offloads maximum carbon dioxide from the bloodstream rapidly, leading to quick stress reduction.
  • Emphasizing longer exhales over inhales slows down heart rate variability, contributing to calming the nervous system during stressful situations.

Hypnosis & its Characteristics:

  • Hypnosis induces a state of calm combined with high focus where context is restricted akin to looking through a telephoto lens. It accelerates neuroplasticity by bringing together relaxation and intense focus simultaneously.
  • The Spiegel eye roll test is used clinically as an indicator of hypnotizability based on how individuals respond when asked to look upwards then close their eyes slowly.


  • Hypnotizability can be determined by observing a person's response to simple commands, such as asking them to look up and slowly close their eyes.
  • A score of about four indicates high hypnotizability, with the ability to go into hypnosis more easily.

Clinical Applications of Hypnosis:

  • Smoking cessation using hypnosis has shown a 60-80% success rate in controlled studies.
  • Anxiety relief through hypnosis has demonstrated significant improvement in approximately 90% of individuals.
  • Pain management with hypnosis results in a significant reduction for 50-75% of people, allowing lower doses of pain medications to manage chronic pain.

Similarity between Hypnosis and Psychedelics:

  • MDMA creates unique effects by increasing both dopamine and serotonin levels simultaneously, leading to positive feelings towards internal states.
  • Psychedelics like psilocybin and LSD create sleep-like states where space and time become fluid, similar to the focused state induced by hypnosis.

Life Experience:

  • Dr. Andrew Huberman experienced disruptive teenage years following his parents' separation, which led to depression and truancy from school.
  • He found solace in skateboarding culture but realized he wasn't good at it, deepening his depression further.

Importance of Education:

  • Despite challenging circumstances, Dr. Huberman recognized the value of formal education as an essential tool for personal growth and development.

Neurobiologist's Personal Journey:

  • The speaker shares their personal experience with therapy, meditation, and physical activities as part of a therapeutic journey.
  • They express the importance of investing in mental and physical well-being through therapy and other activities.

Psychoanalysis and Therapy:

  • The speaker discusses their ongoing psychoanalysis sessions for 32 years and emphasizes the power of exploring the mind with the right person.
  • They highlight the effectiveness of psychoanalysis in stabilizing mental health and organizing behavior, citing Oliver Sacks as an influential figure who also engaged in long-term psychoanalysis.

Biology and Mental Health:

  • The speaker underscores the significance of optimizing biology for mental health, citing studies on essential fatty acids' impact on depression.
  • They emphasize the value of learning about biological mechanisms from books and sharing information to help others improve mental well-being.

Facing Trauma:

  • The speaker narrates a harrowing experience while diving with great white sharks, expressing how trauma can be purged by confronting it directly.
  • They stress that facing trauma is essential for overcoming its effects and share their personal method of resolving traumatic experiences.

Fear and Anxiety:

  • The speaker attributes their fascination with fear to personal experiences of living with a fair amount of baseline anxiety and fear.
  • They describe the mental disorder created by constant thoughts about future plans and uncertainties, highlighting the impact of fear on decision-making processes.
  • The importance of resolving fears and anxiety is emphasized, expressing that finding tools for quick resolution has been a major effort in their life.

Effects of Turmeric on DHT Levels:

  • DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is explained as an androgen responsible for various physical characteristics such as muscle growth, voice depth, aggression, and sex drive.
  • Turmeric is discussed as a potent DHT antagonist that can reduce DHT levels in some individuals, potentially impacting hair loss and beard growth.
  • Individual sensitivity to turmeric's effect on DHT levels is highlighted, emphasizing the need for self-experimentation and cautious dosing.

Testosterone Optimization:

  • Various factors affecting testosterone levels are discussed, including stress management, adequate sleep, and appropriate exercise intensity.
  • Tongat Ali supplementation is recommended to potentially reduce sex hormone binding globulin or directly increase testosterone levels.
  • Phytogia Agrestis is suggested as a supplement that acts as a luteinizing hormone mimic to stimulate testes for increased testosterone production without significantly elevating estrogen levels.

Impacts of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT):

  • TRT dosages are compared to normal physiological testosterone production rates, highlighting potential imbalances caused by traditional administration methods.
  • "Sports TRT" is mentioned as an intermediate approach between standard TRT doses and high-performance enhancing steroid use within athletic communities.

Cognitive Enhancement Supplements:

  • Quality sleep is emphasized as the most powerful nootropic for cognitive support.
  • Alpha-GPC supplementation is recommended for its focus-enhancing effects supported by peer-reviewed studies. It's noted that hydration plays a crucial role in cognitive function alongside caffeine intake.
  • Yerba mate consumption is favored over coffee due to its sustained caffeine release pattern. The speaker shares their preference for a specific brand of organic yerba mate.

Caffeine and Sleep Optimization:

  • Delaying coffee consumption by 90 minutes to two hours after waking can reduce the "cracked-out" feeling on caffeine.
  • Roland Griffiths, a researcher at Johns Hopkins, has extensive knowledge in caffeine metabolism and has conducted significant studies related to caffeine.
  • Consuming carbohydrates like bread can blunt the stimulant effect of caffeine and potentially help counteract its effects.
  • Theanine, an amino acid found in tea leaves, can mitigate the jitters from caffeine intake when consumed in doses of 100 to 200 milligrams.

Vagus Nerve Functions:

  • The vagus nerve is a complex network connecting the brain with various organs, influencing digestion, heart rate, breathing, and more.
  • It plays a bidirectional role in both calming and stimulating functions within the body.
  • Neurons in the gut stimulate dopamine release upon sensing fatty acids, amino acids, or sugar, leading to increased cravings for these substances.
  • Vagal stimulation can influence alertness; it's used as a form of depression treatment and may lead to increased positivity and excitement.

Recommended Books:

  • David White's poetry is recommended for its beauty and serves as an entry point into poetry appreciation. Listening to him read his work is especially impactful due to his cadence.
  • Wendell Berry's books about farming and the natural world are also suggested as thoughtful gifts.
  • "Longitude" by Dava Sobel narrates the history of timekeeping at sea through an engaging story that merges technology with scientific problem-solving.

Personal Mantras:

  • "Know thyself" is highlighted as one of life's most useful pursuits. Self-awareness illuminates areas for self-improvement and should be constantly updated over time.
  • Using the body to control the mind is emphasized as a means to regulate autonomic nervous system responses amid stress or anger. This involves using tools such as respiration and vision for real-time regulation.