Adam Grant's "Hidden Potential" Book:

  • Adam Grant discusses the genesis of his book "Hidden Potential" and the audience feedback that led to this podcast episode.
  • He shares insights on how kindergarten teachers instill character skills, such as proactivity, discipline, and determination, which are crucial for long-term success.
  • Grant reveals his personal experience with public speaking fear and how he overcame it by seeking opportunities to give guest lectures and embracing discomfort.
  • He describes a pivotal moment in teaching a class for the Air Force where he learned about admitting what he doesn't know instead of claiming expertise.

Perfectionism and Procrastination:

  • Jennifer Garner explores her tendencies towards perfectionism and procrastination, sharing her journey in learning to embrace imperfections.
  • Adam Grant reflects on being a pre-crastinator but later realizing that early completion stifles creativity. He details using different writing voices to make editing more enjoyable and playful.

Learning Character Skills:

  • The conversation delves into the importance of soft skills and character development through various activities like sports coaching, ballet lessons, video games, chess training, and Maurice Ashley's unique approach to teaching chess backward

Early Childhood Education and Child Care:

  • Jennifer Garner advocates for a comprehensive early education system from infancy to preschool, emphasizing the need for high-quality child care to support brain development.
  • She highlights the lack of investment in early childhood education, underscoring the importance of universal access to educational activities and parental support.

Impact of Socioeconomic Background on Education:

  • Garner shares her personal experience growing up surrounded by rural generational poverty and how her mother's opportunity to attend college changed their family's trajectory.
  • Her work with Save the Children focuses on understanding and addressing challenges faced by families living in rural America, emphasizing the organization's commitment to going where others are unwilling.

Encouraging Reading and Learning:

  • Anecdotes about innovative teaching methods such as book hide-and-seek and outdoor play emphasize the importance of making learning enjoyable for children.
  • The idea of having graduating students write letters to incoming students as a way of sharing experiences and lessons learned is discussed, reflecting a desire to foster supportive environments within schools.

Personal Growth Through Challenges:

  • Adam Grant shares his journey of embracing imperfection by setting acceptable standards for himself based on different tasks or projects.
  • The concept of self-imposed "second score" is introduced as a means of evaluating one's response to criticism or feedback, focusing on learning from it rather than resisting it.

Leadership Diversity and Constructive Criticism:

  • Discussion centers around diversifying leadership beyond traditional demographics, emphasizing the need to value competence over confidence when selecting leaders.
  • Practical advice is shared regarding giving constructive criticism effectively, including expressing high expectations while maintaining confidence in individuals' abilities.

Constructive Criticism:

  • Using 19 words to communicate belief in someone's potential and care for their success and well-being can make constructive criticism more effective.
  • Phrases like "I'm not attacking you" or "I'm here to coach you" establish a relationship rather than an attack when giving constructive criticism.

Compliment Sandwich:

  • The effectiveness of the compliment sandwich, where criticism is sandwiched between compliments, is debated.
  • Some perceive the compliment sandwich as insincere, waiting for hidden criticism, while others, especially narcissistic individuals, focus on the first and last parts of the sandwich.


  • Jennifer Garner is praised for her ability to see the best in everyone she meets.
  • Adam Grant expresses gratitude towards Jennifer Garner for her generosity and willingness to share her positive outlook with the audience.
  • Adam also thanks Jennifer for reaching out and acknowledges her gift of seeing the best in people.